In the sidebar object, we have a colorSet object of the sidebar theme configuration. The color set has "mode" properties to differentiate between light and dark sidebar
If we want to enable the sidebar background image we need to set isSidebarBgImage: true. <==== If we need to change the image of the background then we need to update the following object values below in src/@crema/constants/defaultConfig.js
const defaultConfig = {
sidebar: {
allowSidebarBgImage: true, // set this flag to true to allow sidebar bg image
sidebarBgImageId: 1, // update image id according to your choice
You can set your different image set in this sidebarBgImages object in the src/@crema/mockapi/fakedb/navigationStyle.js
exportconstsidebarBgImages= [ { id:1, image:"/assets/images/sidebar/thumb/1.png",// image name should be same as id },...];
In case you want to change the selected menu style then you need to update menuStyle. src/@crema/constants/defaultConfig.js
constdefaultConfig= { sidebar: {... menuStyle: MenuStyle.DEFAULT,// Change Menu style according to your requirement.... },...}Here is the menu style for other options.exportenumMenuStyle { DEFAULT ="default", STANDARD ="standard", ROUNDED ="rounded", ROUNDED_REVERSE ="rounded-reverse", CURVED_MENU ="curved-menu",}