Theme Color

The Crema uses MUI's theming by default. You can create theme color schemes with defining theme configuration objects.

The Crema uses MUI's theming by default. You can create theme color schemes with defining theme configuration objects.

For the configuration options checkout Material UI's default configuration here

You can change the app's color theming dynamically from the UI by selecting the Theme Color from the right-sidebar.

In the Crema, you can find out the configuration src/@crema/constants/defaultConfig.js

You can change the "defaultTheme" according to your requirements.

The default theme has some options like below you can also change your colors according to the requirements.

The main color like primary_color, secondary_color and theme mode comes from the .env file. The main purpose of these values from the env file is we can set them differently for the different apps of the monorepo.

  // MUI Theme object
  theme: {
    spacing: 4,
    cardRadius: cardRadius,
    direction: LayoutDirection.LTR, //ltr, rtl
    palette: {
      mode: process.env.REACT_APP_THEME_MODE,
      background: {
        paper: '#FFFFFF',
        default: '#F4F7FE',
      primary: {
        main: process.env.REACT_APP_PRIMARY_COLOR,
        contrastText: '#fff',
      secondary: {
        main: process.env.REACT_APP_SECONDARY_COLOR,
      success: {
        main: '#11C15B',
        light: '#D9F5E5',
      warning: {
        main: '#FF5252',
        light: '#FFECDC',
      text: textLight,
      gray: {
        50: '#fafafa',
        100: '#F5F6FA',
        200: '#edf2f7',
        300: '#E0E0E0',
        400: '#c5c6cb',
        500: '#A8A8A8',
        600: '#666666',
        700: '#4a5568',
        800: '#201e21',
        900: '#1a202c',
        A100: '#d5d5d5',
        A200: '#aaaaaa',
        A400: '#303030',
        A700: '#616161',
    status: {
      danger: 'orange',
    divider: 'rgba(224, 224, 224, 1)',
    typography: {
      fontFamily: ['Be Vietnam', 'sans-serif'].join(','),
      fontSize: 14,
      fontWeight: 400,
      h1: {
        fontSize: 22,
        fontWeight: 600,
      h2: {
        fontSize: 20,
        fontWeight: 500,
      h3: {
        fontSize: 18,
        fontWeight: 500,
      h4: {
        fontSize: 16,
        fontWeight: 500,
      h5: {
        fontSize: 14,
        fontWeight: 500,
      h6: {
        fontSize: 12,
        fontWeight: 500,
      subtitle1: {
        fontSize: 14,
      subtitle2: {
        fontSize: 16,
      body1: {
        fontSize: 14,
      body2: {
        fontSize: 12,
    components: {
      MuiToggleButton: {
        styleOverrides: {
          root: {
            borderRadius: cardRadius,
      MuiCardLg: {
        styleOverrides: {
          root: {
            // apply theme's border-radius instead of component's default
              cardRadius === ThemeStyleRadius.STANDARD
                ? ThemeStyleRadius.STANDARD
                : ThemeStyleRadius.MODERN + 20,
      MuiCard: {
        styleOverrides: {
          root: {
            borderRadius: cardRadius,
            boxShadow: '0px 10px 10px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)',
            // '& .MuiCardContent-root:last-of-type': {
            //   paddingBottom: 16,
            // },
      MuiButton: {
        styleOverrides: {
          root: {
            borderRadius: cardRadius / 2,
            // boxShadow: '0px 5px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)',
            textTransform: 'capitalize',
      MuiOutlinedInput: {
        styleOverrides: {
          root: {
            borderRadius: cardRadius / 2,
      MuiSelect: {
        styleOverrides: {
          root: {
            borderRadius: cardRadius / 2,
      MuiIconButton: {
        styleOverrides: {
          root: {
            padding: 9,
      MuiLink: {
        styleOverrides: {
          root: {
            fontWeight: Fonts.REGULAR,

Last updated