
To install Crema on the system, you need to develop a React Environment in the system

Crema doesn't have any special requirements to start the project. To run and develop Crema on the system, you need to have a React environment-ready system with the recommended version of Node.js. You can use yarn as well to start the project. You can install VS code's Nx CLI plugin here. Other IDE users can search for it(Nx Console Idea) in the plugins> marketplace. By using this(Nx Console Idea) plugin you can easily generate a new project and access all the inbuilt features like a storybook, test cases and many more.


To start the newly download crema4.x, you can run the yarn/npm start to run the default(source) project. all the commands yarn/npm start, build and test will work for the default project If you want to start the other project rather than the default(source) project then you need to run the following command like below or you can use the Nx plugin for GUI.

// nx run {project name}:serve:development

 nx run source:serve:development

You can use the Nx plugin to start the project using the "serve" in the Tasks. You can use other commands for other purposes as well. You can check out more info here

In case you want to set your project to the default project then you need to change the nx.json file in the root directory.

Just update the "defaultProject" value in the nx.json file

  "defaultProject": "source" // update source to y our project

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