We are using the Axios to make an api call. Here is the global this Axios configuration. You can find it on this path src/@crema/services/auth/jwt-auth/index.js
We are using the Axios to make an api call. Here is the global this Axios configuration. You can find it on this path src/@crema/services/auth/jwt-auth/index.js
import axios from "axios";
const jwtAxios = axios.create({
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
(res) => res,
(err) => {
if (err.response && err.response.data.msg === "Token is not valid") {
console.log("Need to logout user");
return Promise.reject(err);
export const setAuthToken = (token) => {
if (token) {
jwtAxios.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`;
//You can define any header params like Authorization based on the your requirements
localStorage.setItem("token", token);
} else {
delete jwtAxios.defaults.headers.common.Authorization;
export default jwtAxios;
We are using the mock APIs in our app, to gets the fake data from the Crema fake db. We are using axios-mock-adapter to achieve this. Here is the configuration of it.
import jwtAxios from "../auth/jwt-auth";
const MockAdapter = require("axios-mock-adapter");
export default new MockAdapter(jwtAxios, { delayResponse: 100 });