Navigation Style

We have included eleven navigation styles in the Crema. You can choose the Navigation style according to your choice and requirement by following the under-written steps.

Changing Navigation Style in run time:-

Changing Navigation Style in development mode (setting default Navigation Style):-

To set the default Navigation Style, go to the src/@crema/constants/defaultConfig.js

In this file, you will find a property named 'navStyle' inside the defaultConfig object which accepts eleven values. You need to set the value of 'navStyle' according to your choice. You can achieve it like below.

const defaultConfig = {
  navStyle: process.env.NX_NAV_STYLE, //Change this according our requirement 

######## NavStyle(src/@crema/constants/AppEnums.js) ##########

export const NavStyle = {
  DEFAULT: 'default',
  BIT_BUCKET: 'bit_bucket',
  STANDARD: 'standard',
  DRAWER: 'drawer',
  MINI: 'mini',
  MINI_SIDEBAR_TOGGLE: 'mini-sidebar-toggle',
  HEADER_USER: 'user-header',
  HEADER_USER_MINI: 'user-mini-header',
  H_DEFAULT: 'h-default',
  HOR_HEADER_FIXED: 'hor-header-fixed',
  HOR_DARK_LAYOUT: 'hor-dark-layout',

Layouts and their schematic designs are as follows:-

  1. Horizontal Light Navigation Layout