How to fix "React has detected a change in the order of Hooks called by VerticalCollapse."?

There are a few simple steps to fix this error.

  1. Remove the following code from src\@crema\core\Navigation\VerticleNav\*.style.js files and pass the themeMode from the relative file. const {themeMode} = useContext(AppContext);

  2. You need to remove the themeMode from all the style files and pass it from the src\@crema\core\Navigation\VerticleNav\*..js files

How easy is it to extract the Mail App into my own project?

There are few simple steps to move apps into a separate project.

  1. Copy Mail folder into your project from apps

  2. Add Mail app's route into your project and link it to your navigation(You can update base path 'apps/mail' to as your project need.)

  3. Copy AppsContainer from the core components

  4. Copy MailApp action and reducer file from the redux and link it to your app redux.

  5. In case you want to use fake API and database, please copy DB file and mock API into your project(In case you want to integrate it with you API Please link your API to mail)

  6. Please make sure you initialize APIs in your demo version.


How can I use found-relay instead of react-router-dom?

To use any navigation libs instead of react-router-dom please follow the following steps.

  1. Crema creates routes in src\modules\index.js file. In this file, you found createRoutes function. This function is responsible for routes creations. You can update this function according to your new routing lib.

  2. Crema generate Routes with the help of renderRoutes function of react-router-config in the src\@crema\core\ContentView\index.js file So you can write down your logic in both files.

Last updated