Footer Configuration

Whether the user wants to keep the footer or not, is totally up to the user's choice. We have provided the option of disabling or enabling the footer. You can enable or disable the footer by following the under-written steps.

Disabling or Enabling the Footer in Run Time:-

Click on the Settings button on the right corner of the screen just below the notification icon, and a drawer will open in which you will find a Footer toggle button by using that button, you can enable or disable Footer.

Enabling or Disabling in development mode (setting default Footer):-

To enable or disable the Footer, go to the src/@crema/constants/defaultConfig.js file

In this file, you will find a property named 'footer'. You need to set the value of Footer to true, if you want to enable the Footer or false if you want to disable the Footer like below

import { FooterType } from './AppEnums'; 

const defaultConfig = {
  footer: false,                  // using this you can show/hide the footer
  footerType: FooterType.FLUID,   // using this we can update footer type fixed/fluid
export default defaultConfig;

####### Footer Type (src/@crema/constants/AppEnums.js) #########

export const FooterType = {
  FIXED: 'fixed',
  FLUID: 'fluid',

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